
경복대학교 입학


2017-2 Winter Survey Results - 2

박완수 2018.05.23 조회수 301

저작권 등 다른 사람의 권리를 침해하거나 명예를 훼손하는 게시글은 이용약관 및 관련법률에 의해 제재를 받으실 수 있습니다.

인터뷰 장소 : 싱가포르 국립대학 병원

(National University Hospital of Singapore)

 The number of respondents was 25 people, among whom 9 males and 16 females
 were found to be 36% males and 64%females.

1. Do you ever been on a medical travel?
In this graph, 1 to 4 percent of people have been to medical tourism
and 24 to 96 percent of those who have never been there.
Those who did surveys could see that they had no experience in medical tourism.


2. Why do you think people are going to on medical tourism?
The results of this survey show that most people think
that medical tourism is going to cosmetic.
After cosmetic, etc., and after dental treatment, we can see that it is Lasik.

3. Do you know any popular countries for medical travel?
This is my favorite question in our survey.
Because Korea is the most popular medical tourism country among the responsers.
and, sixteen persons answered that they know countries where medical tourism is popular.
8persons answered KOREA
and 4persons answered SINGAPORE
the other 4persons answered THAILAND, the United States, Japan, and Malaysia.


4. Does medical technology affect tourism?
most people answered ' yes ' to the question.
23persons, 92percent
Therefore, medical tourism affects the tourism industry.

5. Are you willing to be treated with a medical robot?
many people answered ' No ' to the question 16persons, 64percent.
Until Now, many people seem to be nervous about relying on robots.

6. What do you think about medical robot?
There are 16 people who think positive, 64 percent.
There are nine people who think negative, 36 percent.
And you can see that the respondents are looking at medical robots in a good way.

7. Do you have any health improvement without medical travel?
Eleven people answered yes, and fourteen answered no.
The proportion of people /who say yes and those who say no is similar.
This shows that people are satisfied with Singapore's medical technology.
But we can see that some people are not yet satisfied.

8. Have you ever seen an occupational therapist?
There are 16 people who answered yes and 8 people who answered no.
More than half of them are unaware of the occupational therapist.
Yet, it appears that occupational therapists are not well known as jobs in Singapore.

9. Do you think occupational therapy is helpful?
This graph shows that people think work therapy can help.
You can see that occupational therapy is a positive response to prongs.

10. Please, tell us what you need to improve about medical travel.
Most of the survey respondents did no comments , and others said
the costs should be improved. And he also said that he needs to improve
the doctor's skills.
